
Samstag, 7. März 2015

Austria on the way down

During the last years the international ranking of Austria went down. A little bit every year, but it got only in one direction - down! We lost our place in the world economy ranking, our place in the unemployed statistics and we lost our AAA.
The GNP does not grow, but the national deficit is growing and growing. We will reach an all time high during this year and the crises of the Hypo Alpe Adria will cost us additional billions of euros.
So what has happened during the last years. Why was Austria successful in the last periods and why is it on the wrong way now?
Most people are talking about politics. The politicians did not do the right thinks, are not working proper, working only for their pockets. But is this true? Is this the only reason for our problems?
I think no!
In my eyes we are the reason. We the Austrians. We are not able to accepting that something has to be changed now, not in the future. That will cost money now, but it is the only way to have more money in 5, 10 or 20 years.
We have problems with our non smoking laws, with our pension system, with our medical system, with our administration.
All these categories need a structural reform. A reform which costs money, not only money from the government, it will cost also money direct from our pocket. 
No one says, yes I accept it for a better future. 
Therefor the politicians do not believe in changes, they are anxious they will lose at the next elections.
So the change has to come from us, the people of Austria. We have to support the politicians who will do the necessary changes now.
We have to stop our „sudern“ (something like complaining) and to start working together and accept changes.
Some politicians - you can see them in Styria - have the courage to try it, let us hope this will lead to a good result in the next election.

For a better future!

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