
Mittwoch, 11. März 2015

The USA and the 21st century

The USA is the last hegemonic power, but is it the only global power? What is with China, India or the EU?
China is growing, much faster than every other country. China has the 2nd largest economy, has more than 1 billion inhabitants and expands his army on a high level. 
India is also growing, but not so fast, has a big army and is the biggest democratic country in the world. 
The EU has no army - only national army which are not working under one roof in the EU. It is part of the NATO - most of the countries -  and is all together the biggest economy.
The USA has the world most efficient army with the highest technical standard, is as a country the number one in economy, and has the best universities in the world.
But much more important is the way the US is ruling the modern international culture. The film industry, the music industry, the way everyone would like to live. Everything is ruled by the USA. This will also save the global role for the US for the next 50 years.
The world is singing the US songs, is looking US TV series, is wearing jeans and sneakers around the world. The best students are studying in the US and learning the way of live on a daily base. The worlds best Universities are located in the US.
And the US has one other big asset! The US society is able to renew itself and can react on different challenges much better than other economies.

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