
Montag, 2. März 2015

Qatar and the soccer world championship 2022 - positive aspects?!

Soccer worlds in Qatar during the summer? Heat, religious  holidays, ramadan! Did none think about that? 
During the winter? Problems with the Olympic winter games!? So what!

It will not be easy to find a good date and the soccer worlds will be under suspicion, but there could be some very positive aspects! Maybe more than we are thinking about today.

Qatar had built up a trainings center for more than 1 Billion €. The country now tries to support their own people to get to sport. Not as it was ad the handball worlds with 80% players from other countries. The would like to go this new way not only in soccer! 
They have a swim arena, training the next generation in table tennis, squash and athletics.

Sport and Islam is in some islamic countries a area of conflict and most of the time reduced to only soccer. This new training center can lead to a new enthusiasm for sport. There will be hope that in the near future there could be also women in sport in the arabic world.
Some woman showed in the last years that it could be possible to do sports in islamic countries.
If Qatar would be brave enough to support women in sport, the country could be a pioneer in sports culture for the islamic world.
Sport can bring people together from different countries, continents, religion and sex.

More islamic sportsman in different sports could also help our people in Europe which have a migration background to do more sports and to be more integrated in sports organizations.

Sport can connect people, so let`s hope the leaders of Qatar are wise enough to see this chance!

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