
Montag, 18. Mai 2015

Frank Stronach

Once upon a time there was a young boy who did not see his future in his home town. He went away from home and found a new country miles away. He worked a lot, was lucky, did all what was possible to be successful.
After many years he came back to his home country and he was a rich man.
He did not forget his former neighbors and built a big company and employed thousands of people and makes the green country a little bit richer and better.
And here the story should end.
But it does not.
He was thinking about the future of Austria, of the people which are still living in Styria and went to politics. But all what he did in his business career - finding the right way to be successful - he did not in politics. He tried to get people from other parties, to have someone who will be able to guide him, but he chooses most of the time the wrong people. Which is quite clear. because who do you think is willing to go to another party? Most of the time the people from the 4th row, not the most successful from the front.
He is trying to put his experience from business and from the politics in Kanada to Austria. But sorry this is another playground.
What he needs to be successful ist time, but this is the only thing he does not have - time. He wants results now.
With this idea he is changing his team every few month.
I am very sorry for him, because he is a most honorable man, who did a lot for our country and has my deep respect.
But please Mr. frank Stronach you have so much to give - your experience, your knowledge, please work in the background and support good people and stop your political ambitions.
Stay as a hero as you have been!

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